Urban Restoration Enhancement Corporation (UREC) ensures that students in North Baton Rouge public schools have access to learning experiences in science, technology, engineering arts and mathematics (STEAM).
Since 2013, UREC has sponsored 21st Century Learning Centers at two local schools: North Banks Middle School and Glen Oaks Park Elementary. The program is in partnership with The Gordon A. Cain Center at LSU and the Louisiana Department of Education.
The 21st Century learning centers feature blended and personalized learning models, educational coaches, parent empowerment forums, and a STEAM focused curriculum.
To date, more than 200 student scholars have participated in Project STEAM.
UREC President & CEO Emel Alexander said, “We look forward to making greater investments in this initiative with our strong community partnerships and sponsors.”
“We have high academic expectations for our student scholars this year,” said Rose Kendrick, Project STEAM Developer & Education Liaison. “Our leadership team, teachers and learning coaches will give special attention to working with students to further increase performance in mathematics and literacy, while also supporting them in the development of their social and leadership skills.”
At the school level, Glen Oaks Park Elementary School Principal Bernard Williams said Project STEAM’s success is directly tied to community partnerships, program facilitation, parental involvement and genuine student participation.
“The partnership with UREC and LSU Cain Center is benefitting Glen Oaks Park Elementary students greatly through hands on small group instructions. The students are really excited about learning,” Williams said. “The school’s expectations for 2015-2016 are to fully support the program and keep high hope for great student outcomes.”
To learn more about Project STEAM’s success, please view the 2015 report, entitled: Project STEAM Soars in North Baton Rouge Public Schools.